Story time

 Once upon a time, there was a man named Harold who lived in a small village. He was known to be the clumsiest person in the village. He could trip on flat surfaces, fall up the stairs, and even stumble over fresh air.

One day, Harold decided to buy a new pair of shoes as his old ones were worn out. He went to the market and saw a beautiful pair of shoes in a shop window. They sparkled in the sun and had a shiny red bow on the side. Harold was smitten.

He went inside the shop and asked the shopkeeper, "How much are those shoes in the window?"

The shopkeeper, who was tired of Harold's clumsiness, replied with a sly grin, "Those are the special shoes that make you walk on water. They are priced at $100."

Harold was taken aback and asked, "Really? I can walk on water with these shoes?"

The shopkeeper, seeing an opportunity to get rid of Harold once and for all, said, "Yes, absolutely! You just have to wear them and walk on water."

Harold, who was gullible but desperate, decided to give it a try and bought the shoes. He went to the nearby lake and tried to walk on water. He took one step and - SPLASH! He fell into the water with a loud splash, drenching himself from head to toe.

Feeling embarrassed and wet, Harold went back to the shop and asked the shopkeeper, "Why didn't the shoes work?"

The shopkeeper, unable to contain his laughter, replied, "They work, but you have to know how to swim first! And maybe avoid walking on anything that's not solid."

From that day on, Harold was known as the man who spent $100 to become a human dive bomb. He still trips and stumbles, but now he does it with style.
