Pistol shrimp ray

 The pistol shrimp is a crustacean with a big personality and an even bigger weapon! This little guy has a secret superpower - a snap of its claw that generates a sonic blast that could make even the toughest fish think twice. Think of it as the superhero of the sea, but instead of a cape, it has a claw that shoots sound waves.

But wait, it gets better! The pistol shrimp is also a team player and has formed a symbiotic relationship with certain species of gobies. The shrimp digs a cozy burrow for the goby to live in, and in return, the goby acts as a sentinel, keeping watch for any danger. Talk about a win-win situation!

And if you're wondering how the pistol shrimp is related to rays, well, let's just say it's about as related as a hotdog is to a horse. The pistol shrimp is a crustacean and rays are a type of fish. So, basically, the pistol shrimp is a pistol-packing superhero, while rays are more like the gentle giants of the sea.
